CSE trains children to advocate for their “sexual rights” in laws and policies.

Targeting children from age 9:

Give information about sexual rights as defined by the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the World Association for Sexual Health” (World Health Organization, “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe,” for children ages 9-12)


Targeting “young people” (defined by the UN as ages 10 and up):

“Get involved in advocacy to change laws that violate your rights.”   (IPPF, Healthy, Happy and Hot, for HIV-positive young people, p. 6)

“Healthy, Happy and Hot is a guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives. (IPPF, Healthy, Happy and Hot, for HIV-positive young people, back cover)


Targeting “youth” (defined by the UN as ages 15 and up):

“Any limitation on sexual rights must be non-discriminatory, including on the grounds of age.” (IPPF, Exclaim!, for youth)