WARNING:  This page may contain explicit and disturbing examples from CSE materials.

IT’S ALL ONE  |  Child Harm Level:  Extremely High

TARGET AGE GROUP:  10 – 18 year olds

NO EVIDENCE of Reducing Teen Pregnancy


HAS Planned Parenthood Ties

CONTAINS Harmful Elements

PROMOTES Sexual Pleasure


It’s All One Curriculum” is the premier comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) program promoted by UN agencies as the model for all other CSE programs. In fact, UNESCO partnered with Planned Parenthood to create a CSE analysis tool that uses the content of “It’s All One” as the standard against which they claim all other CSE programs should be judged. This is very troubling in light of the fact that “It’s All One” scored 15 out of 15 on harmful content for children (see below).  For example, “It’s All One”  promotes promiscuity, teaches children about “sexual pleasure” (60 references) and promotes abortion (with over 100 references) and is really just a cleverly disguised abortion rights, sexual rights, sexual pleasure advocacy education program.


Funded in part by UNFPA and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), It’s All One has been translated into Spanish, French, Bangla, Chinese, and Arabic, and its developers claim that requests for It’s All One have come from more than 150 countries and every state in the United States.

“Stop CSE!”


Please sign the petition calling upon teachers, school administrators and government bodies at the local, state, national, regional and international levels to immediately stop promoting and funding harmful comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).  READ PETITION >