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The Protect Dominica Children Coalition webpage is hosted on the StopCSE.org website.

Protect Dominica Children Petition!

We, as concerned citizens of Dominica hereby petition the Government of Dominica, The Ministry of Education, our Parliamentarians and all school boards and private schools to ensure:

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    1.  NO instruction (or materials of any kind), including highly controversial comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), be given to children in our schools through the Health and Family Life Education program or otherwise THAT:

        • is not based on an optimal health approach for children
        • could be construed to normalize or condone sexual conduct between children of minor age (whether heterosexual or homosexual),
        • includes graphic or pornographic materials,
        • teaches children they have sexual rights or how to “consent” to sexual acts,
        • teaches access to contraceptives and abortion without parental consent,
        • teaches unscientific and ideological gender identity theories (i.e, that gender is different than sex, that sexes exist other than male or female or that sex is fluid and can be changed) or that gender is a social construct and is different than sex.
    2. The rights of parents are respected at every stage of the process by:

        • Making available for public review and input, at least 60 days before adoption, any new or revised or expanded health and family life education or any other sex education curriculum in its entirety;
        • Making available for public access all Health and Family Life Education or any other sex ed frameworks, curricula, programs, books and supplemental resource materials whether used as stand alone content or whether it is weaved into other subject areas and the source of these resource materials be it from UN agencies or otherwise;
        • Maintaining Health and Family Life Education or any other sex ed program as an elective, opt-in subject requiring express parental approval and informed consent.

We warn that the implementation of highly controversial and failed CSE programs in our schools (See failure rates at SexEdReport.org) and failing to use evidence based sexual risk avoidance and risk cessation as the optimal health approach will cause many parents to object to these programs.


We further assert that our schools are not the appropriate place to push political or sexual agendas that advance divisive issues and “sexual rights” at the expense of sexual health. Parents who wish to instruct their children on such issues can do so at home or of their own choosing.


Signed, [Your Email Signature]

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View Our Mission & Objectives


To protect the health and innocence of children and the fundamental rights of parents to direct the education, healthcare and upbringing of their children.


  • To advocate for laws and policies that will protect children and parental rights.

  • To expose the harmful nature of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), gender ideology, and pornographic materials and prevent any such materials, programs or ideologies from being distributed, implemented or promoted in schools.

  • To inform and mobilize concerned citizens including parents, grandparents, teachers, young people, policymakers, government officials, and business, religious and community leaders to protect our children.


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