“Shame on UNICEF!” International Petition;

 Stop UNICEF from Sexualizing Children!


We, as concerned citizens, are profoundly disturbed by UNICEF’s promotion of radical comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for children, UNICEF’s support of abortion, and UNICEF’s violations of parental rights.


We are gravely concerned by UNICEF’s co-sponsorship of the 2018 UNESCO “International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education,” as it promotes highly controversial and discredited “comprehensive sexuality education” (CSE) for children. For example, this publication claims that “young people want and need sexuality and sexual health information as early and comprehensively as possible …” (Pg. 35), that “CSE promotes the right to choose when and with whom a person will have any form of intimate or sexual relationship …” (Pg. 18), and that children should have “agency in their own sexual practices and relationships” (Pg. 18).


We are strongly opposed to the fact that UNICEF would encourage or condone child sex and that children of minor age are being told they have a right to have sex—especially in light of the known negative physical and emotional health outcomes for sexually active children.


We are shocked by what UNICEF has deemed to be “age-appropriate” for children, for example, teaching youth that “[e]ngaging in sexual behaviours should feel pleasurable” (Pg. 72) and asking children as young as age nine to “[d]emonstrate respect for diverse practices related to sexuality” (Pg. 48, Learning objectives 9-12 years).


We are greatly concerned that UNICEF believes it is appropriate to ask five-year-olds to “define gender and biological sex and describe how they are different,” to “reflect on how they feel about their biological sex and gender” (Pg. 50, Learning objectives 5-8 years) and to ask nine-year-olds to “explain how someone’s gender identity may not match their biological sex” (Pg. 50, Learning objectives 9-12 years). These teachings are clearly intended to indoctrinate children and will promote gender confusion in very young children.


We are appalled that UNICEF is undermining parents and traditional family values by instructing teachers to ask children to “differentiate between values that they hold, and that their parents/guardians hold about sexuality” (Pg. 46), and to “question social and cultural norms that impact sexual behaviour in society” (Pg. 48, Learning objectives 12-15 years).


We are alarmed by the false claims made by UNICEF, the world’s premiere agency charged with protecting the health and wellbeing of the world’s children, including the false claim that “[a]bstinence-only programmes have been found to be ineffective and potentially harmful to young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights” (Pg. 18).


We are outraged that UNICEF would support abortion as they stated in “Sexual health, human rights, and the law” (World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2015.)


We therefore call upon all UN Member States, and other UNICEF donors, to immediately cease their funding of UNICEF until such time as UNICEF withdraws its co-sponsorship for the 2018 UNESCO International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education and ceases all support of comprehensive sexuality education and abortion. We urge donors to consider immediately redirecting those funds they currently allocate to UNICEF to alternative, reputable child-serving organizations.


We further call upon States to also withdraw funding for UNESCO and the other co-sponsoring UN agencies (e.g. UNAIDS, UN-Women, and the World Health Organization) of this harmful UNICEF-endorsed publication, until the 2018 UNESCO International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education has been fully retracted and removed from circulation.


Finally, we call upon States to investigate all UN-driven sex education programs in their respective countries and to take necessary action to protect their children against these programs.


Nothing less than the health and innocence of the world’s children is at stake!



[Your name and country inserted here]

The #SHAMEonUNICEF Campaign is co-sponsored by Family Watch International, the American College of Pediatricians, the UN Family Rights Caucus, the Foundation for African Cultural Heritage (Nigeria), the Protect Child Health Coalition, Parents Rights in Education, The Child Protection Institute, UYIRKKURAL (India), Expose Sex Ed Now, CitizenGo, The Salt & Light Council, Canada Silent No More, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM), Femina Europa, and more.